Sunday, September 19, 2010


This weekend we went to an indigenous market in the city of Otavalo. We also visited a volcanic crater with a lake called Cuicocha and a town specializing in leather goods called Cotacachi. It was about a two hour bus ride there. I really enjoyed the ride because we were traveling down windy roads through the Andes. Plus we got a really good view of Puntas, so it was cool to know that the mountain I almost got to the top is very visible in the surrounding areas.

Cuicocha was really cool. We ended up taking a boat around the lake. I was not all too impressed with Cotacachi. There was a street where there were a million stores selling leather goods. Unfortunately I was not in need of a purse, leather jacket, or saddle and thus couldn't take advantage of the shopping opportunities. I ended up breaking away from the group with a friend of mine named Brian and we wandered to the main plaza where there was a convent. The center was fairly nice and then we wandered along some sketchy streets to the edge of the town where there was a forest.

After Cuicocha we went to the city of Otavalo. I didn't think I liked haggling going into the market, but it turns out that I'm a big fan. I really enjoyed the mini-battles with the vendors trying to get a cheaper price. Unfortunately I didn't really know what anything was worth so I probably overpaid anyway. I ended up buying some stuff just because I wanted to haggle. Because of this, I ended up with more stuff than I originally intended, but I convinced myself that its ok, because they're mostly gifts anyway. I did end up with a lot of ponchos though... The market itself was awesome just for how big it was. It took up several main streets, plazas and side streets. An interesting aspect was that in the sections where mostly Ecuadorians shopped, the vendors charged me more because I stood out a lot more and I figure they thought I had no idea what I was doing. My least favorite part about Otavalo was that there were tons of beggars. Apparently there is a law that beggars aren't allowed in Quito so all people living in poverty in Quito are given clothes and food. This is unique to Quito however so there were plenty of beggars who would follow me around in Otavalo.

After visiting the indigenous market of Otavalo, we went to "Parque Condor" As you have probably guessed, this was a park with birds. The condors were super impressive. They were much bigger than I imagined. We saw other birds and went to a show where they had a variety of birds who flew around for us. Afterwards we headed back to Quito.

I've started playing ultimate frisbee two days a week in a local park in Quito. Its a lot of fun and very nice to be doing some kind of exercise, but you really notice the thin air. The first time I played, I was still trying to breathe normally for about an hour or two afterwards. Its mostly American students and some expats who play because frisbee is not a popular sport in Ecuador. When I told my family I was going to play, I had to explain the rules because they thought I was just going to the park to throw a frisbee back and forth and they didn't see how that could be tiring/fun.

As far as bad news here, I've started developing a phobia for black dogs, especially the one that lives on my street that bit me. Pretty much every other time I pass he gets a bit angry and either barks at me or follows me threateningly. It wasn't too bad until Friday when he attempted to bite me again. I was carrying a tent for my andinismo class and fended him off with it. He ended up biting the tent and ripping off the handle of the case. I've nicknamed the dog Cerberos, because I'm convinced he was spawned in Hell. Its pretty much the only thing I'm scared of in this whole country. But I'm pretty terrified of it. I get along with most other dogs though. I feel like its a sign of a third world country to have stray dogs.

Speaking of dogs, I went with my host sister and host brother-in-law for a walk with their dog, Rigo. We went to a different park that I hadn't heard of. Its a huge park that is partially in a forest so it was pretty awesome. It's also very close to my home so I feel like I'm going to spend a lot more time there.

Condor flying around in its cage

Bird cage with Volcano Imbabura in background

Some stands in Otavalo

The main market plaza



  1. So I won't be able to push your buttons by making a remark about haggling? I'm proud of you but a little disappointed.

  2. haha Stephan would probably have been furious with how much money I spent, but I think it was worth it.

  3. Haha I think I'm over it... at least I'm working on it.

    1. maybe throwing the dog a bone would help...
